Clouding the Mind

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Fluffy Head Trips

Yesterday I renewed a very nice morning ritual of going out and sitting in the hot tub while eating my oatmeal and orange juice breakfast. Laying in the warm water and looking up, I was amazed at the simple beauty and intriguing nature of the clouds that paraded overhead.

I thought they were amazing.

This morning I went out again after glancing out the kitchen window with a bit of disappointment at seeing the sky moslty covered with clouds and thinking they couldn't possibly be as interesting as yesterday's.

But, I was immediately surprised to find in the general covering intricate puzzle like patterns. Within just a minute or two that whole system of cloud cover was gone and others were in their place. I was amazed at how fast they came and went on such a calm morning and at the variety of kinds of clouds I saw. I finally decided (too late for the best) to go in for the camera.